MS Cloud Foundation

Architecture Foundation - Appendix





Company / Organization: 

Scope: 0.0 {language={en}; document-type={ott}; organization={}; interest={business}; domain={architecture}; level={foundation}; technology={ms-cloud,azure,office-365,dynamics-365}}

Version: 1.0.0

File-name: becke-ch--ms-cloud--s1-v1--foundation.odt


Copyright © 2019 – All rights reserved


Document Version History







Raoul Becke

Initial version: Changes according to requirements; see table below version 1.0.0.



Work-Product Version History





Components Changed



Raoul Becke

Due to its huge size, moved the appendix of document “becke-ch--ms-cloud--s0-v1” see [1] into this separate document.







Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. References and glossary

2.1. References

2.2. Glossary (terms, abbreviations, acronyms)

A. Appendix

A.1. Subscription

A.1.1. Trial Subscription (private)

A.1.2. Azure Portal Login

A.1.3. Trial Subscription Expired Subscribe Again

A.1.4. Organization Subscription

A.1.5. Change Subscription Directory

A.2. My Vsiual Studio: Developer License (MSDN): Activate Azure Benefit on Alternate Account

A.2.1. Error: Oops: It appears that you have already used your MSDN benefit for a Microsoft Azure Subscription

A.3. User Management

A.3.1. Create a new Standard User

A.3.2. Log-In & Set Password

A.3.3. Guest User

A.4. Group Management

A.4.1. Create a new Security Group

A.5. Database

A.5.1. Query Editor

A.5.2. nd logins for “MSDN Subscription” but having “...1...v1...” in the name)

A.5.3. AD User: Create Schema and Grant Access To Create Table, Insert, Select

A.5.4. AD Group: Create Schema and Grant Access To Create Table, Insert, Select

A.5.5. Timeout Issues, Query Information & sys.dm_exec_requests

A.6. Logic App

A.6.1. Create

A.6.2. Logic App Designer

A.7. Azure Data Factory – V2: ETL: Extract, Transfrom & Load: SSIS

A.7.1. SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) – Installation

A.7.2. Call a Web Service using SSIS then Store and Query the Results – NOT WORKING!

A.7.3. Provision the Azure-SSIS Integration Runtime in Azure Data Factory

A.8. Azure Data Factory – V1: EL: Extract & Load: Copy Data

A.8.1. Copy Data (Preview)

A.8.2. Modify & Deploy

A.8.3. Deployment Script

A.8.4. Incremental Load & Data Delay

A.8.5. Performance Improvement aka Reduce Interval below 15 minutes


A.9. Key Vault

A.9.1. Security

A.9.2. Setup

A.10. Power BI

A.10.1. Desktop Installation

A.10.2. Power BI Desktop

A.10.3. Power BI Pro

A.10.4. Assign license to user

A.10.5. Portal

A.10.6. Create Workspace

A.11. Storage Account

A.11.1. Set-Up

A.11.2. File Share

A.11.3. Security

A.11.4. Build-Time: Administration: RBAC

A.12. Azure Container Instance (ACI)

A.12.1. Create Container Instance

A.12.2. Execute a command in a running Azure container instance

A.13. Azure Cloud Services

A.13.1. Creation

A.13.2. Setup

A.14. Create new Directory


Illustration Index

Illustration Index



Index of Tables

Index of Tables

Table 1: References        8

Table 2: Glossary        8


1. Introduction

This document gives an overview of the MS cloud offerings with a focus on MS Azure. It is a summary of many different Microsoft Cloud articles spread over the Internet.

This document contains only the appendix moved over from “becke-ch--ms-cloud--s0-v1” see [1].


2. References and glossary

2.1. References







MS Cloud foundation: Architecture Foundation.

Table 1: References


2.2. Glossary (terms, abbreviations, acronyms)

Terms / Abbreviations / Acronyms



Data-center see Error: Reference source not found

Table 2: Glossary Appendix Subscription Trial Subscription (private)
  1. 1.Go to “ 

  1. 2.Click on link “Start free” you will then be redirected to “ 




  1. 3.Click on link Use another account” 

  1. 4.Click on link Create a new Microsoft account” you are then redirected to page: “ 


  1. 5.Enter the following information: 

    1. a.Email: 

    2. b.Pwd: e… 

    3. c.Optional De-Select “Send me promotional emails from Microsoft” 

  2. 6.Click on button “Next” 



  1. 7.Check you email account: 


From: Microsoft account team <>


Subject: Verify your email address


Microsoft account Verify your email address To finish setting up your Microsoft account, we just need to make sure this email address is yours. To verify your email address use this security code: 8... If you didn't request this code, you can safely ignore this email. Someone else might have typed your email address by mistake. Thanks, The Microsoft account team



  1. 8.Enter the code you received via Email and click “Next” 


  1. 9.Enter the characters you see on the captcha and click “Next” you are then redirected to page “ 


  1. 10.Enter the information “About you”: 

    1. a.Country Region: Switzerland 

    2. b.First Name: Microsoft 

    3. c.Last Name: Cloud (ms-cloud—s0-v1) 

    4. d.Email: 

    5. e.Work Phone: 004179… 

    6. f.Organization Optional: Leave Empty 

  2. 11.Identity verification by phone: 

    1. a.Switzerland (+41) 

    2. b.79… 

    3. c.Enter the message you received into the text message field: 785… 

  3. 12.Identity verification by card: 

    1. a.Payment method: New Debit/Credit Card 

    2. b.Card number: … 

    3. c.Expiration date: 07/2018 

    4. d.CVV: … 

    5. e.Name on card: Raoul … 

    6. f.Address line 1: S... 3 

    7. g.Address line 2: [empty] 

    8. h.City: Elgg 

    9. i.State/Province/Distrinct: [empty] 

    10. j.Postal Code: 8353 

  4. 13.Agreement – click on “Agree” - you are then redirected to page: “